PJ Carries Out the Locus Visit in Katwe
Hon. Justice Dr Zeija seated (Middle) in the Katwe Community
The loud bangs that characterize Katwe city suburb could not deter the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, as he set out to conduct a locus visit in the area on Friday May 28, 2021.
The parties on the disputed land is the Kabaka of Buganda versus Katongole Samuel M and the Commissioner Land Registration (Civil Suits No. 74 of 2015 and 435 0f 2016).
Upon arrival on the disputed land, the PJ explained to the parties and witnesses present about the purpose of locus visits. "We visit locus to test the evidence and testimonies of the witnesses as given in court," he said. Adding that either party will have time to question witnesses on the facts and features of the property.
Amidst heavy deployment which curtailed the crowd from accessing the premises, the PJ toured the fenced property. The only make-shift structures are currently used as a garage and a metal fabrication workshop.
Both parties were given between 18th June and 21st July 2021 to file their submissions. Thereafter, the judgement will be delivered on the 23rd of August 2021.
Hon. Justice Dr. Zeija appealed to the parties to respect the given timeframes. "You must comply with the timelines. These dates I have given are for both filing and serving," he said.
Posted 28th, May 2021